
My photo
Austin, Texas, United States
Film is my absolute passion. I also like theatre, playing tennis, volleyball, video games, and swimming.

Monday, August 30, 2010

1st Post

Why am I taking RTF 305? Well... the same reason I'm transferring from theatre to film. Film is my passion; it is what I wish to do for the rest of my life. Introduction to Media Studies is required so obviously I'm taking it but other than that I believe this class will be very interesting and a nice step towards hopefully my future career. What do I hope to learn from this class? I really want to understand how important, essential even, media is in the world today. I look forward to learning more about the various styles of media and specifically how the film industry impacts the world, both in the economy and in people.

Here is a link to my Youtube page: It has some videos I made during high school. Enjoy.. hopefully!